Team Coaching
Better We.
No single leader, no matter how talented, is sufficient to scale the complex challenges contemporary organizations are experiencing.
Collective leadership is the innovative advantage in today’s world.
Teams are fueling the progress toward meeting stakeholder needs across all organizational sectors. Optimizing a team’s capability to do this successfully is critical. And we know what works.

Research shows certain conditions need to be in place for a team to be effective.
Team Coaching is one of them.
Teams can stumble due to low trust, a lack of shared commitment and accountability, unproductive conflict, and poor communication, among others. All diminish effectiveness. To create sustainable change, it’s important to understand what might be driving those behaviors.
Thirty-years of studying top teams across the globe and in multiple sectors revealed six team conditions that can predict up to 80% of a team’s effectiveness and success.
If the conditions for effectiveness are not in place, focusing only on changing team members’ behaviors won’t produce sustainable results. It’s like fixing the walls of a building when the foundation is what needs work. Structure often drives behavior. Designing or re-launching your team(s) aligned with these conditions can be transformative.
Working with a Team Coach is an opportunity to get clarity and traction on what will make your team a Better WE. Each engagement is customized to meet your context and needs.
The Team Diagnostic Survey™️ (TDS), can be used by team leaders and members to assist in that customization process. The TDS is a well-validated instrument designed to diagnose the strengths and growth opportunities of teams. The TDS produces a thorough, 27-page, report showing scores on the 6 Team Conditions, 3 Key Task Processes that emerge from those conditions, and 3 outcome measures of Team Effectiveness.
You can view a Sample TDS report here.
After more than two years of addressing pandemic related operational challenges, I wanted to find a facilitator to assist our senior team in resetting how we work together and with the rest of our staff team. While a close-knit team that has functioned well given the circumstances, we knew we needed to engage more strategically and found the right partner in Linda Beitz to help us do that. Through conversations with each of our senior team prior to our retreat, she assessed where we were and how we all viewed the possibilities for an even higher performing team. Linda worked with us over the course of a half day to clarify and define our purpose as a senior team. Since our meeting, our focus has been stronger than ever on strategy and empowering our teams. We appreciate Linda’s process in helping us be even more successful.
– Christie Tarantino-Dean, CEO, Institute of Food Technologists
We hired Linda to help improve dynamics among members of our critically important leadership team. With Linda’s encouragement and guidance, the team experienced success in pivoting away from their difficult past and toward a positive vision for their work where they could appreciate and benefit from the gifts each member brings to the team and the people we serve. Linda is truly as she describes herself: a ‘trusted, energetic, knowledgeable and experienced champion’ for her clients. She’s awesome.
– Executive Committee Members, Chicagoland Non-Profit
From the start, Linda was a member of our team through and through. She began by gaining a thorough and broad understanding of our organization and used her experience and our goals to create a meaningful and impactful two-day retreat for our community that both met our organization’s strategic needs while lifting our employees and bringing us closer into alignment around our work together.
– Lindsay Francescutti, Director of Community Relations, Lake Champlain Waldorf School, Vermont
Linda is certified as an Advanced Practitioner in the use of the Team Diagnostic Survey™ (TDS) and the Leadership Circle Collective Leadership 360 Assessment™. Each can be used as a stand-alone assessment, as well as incorporated into a team development or team coaching process.
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