
Whether you choose to read or listen – leaders who demonstrate they are learners advance their effectiveness and inspire others to do the same.

A Complimentary Resource

Chapter Two: “A Positive Revolution in Change” by L. Beitz, from A Positive Manifesto – How
Appreciative Schools Can Transform Public Education (Burrello, Beitz, and Mann, 2016)

What you’ll find

A brief overview of some of the major shifts that have occurred in the last forty years in how we lead and structure our organizations – and support for why a positive, strengths-based model for change is a best fit for human systems on today’s global landscape.

While we wrote the book with educational leaders in mind – Chapter Two provides universally applicable lessons and possibilities for advancing effective leadership in the world today.

Complete form to receive your complimentary copy of Chapter Two

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Current Reading Suggestions 

The Hope Circuit

A Psychologist’s Journey from Helplessness to Optimism

Unreasonable Hospitality

The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect

Reimagine Inclusion

Debunking 13 Myths to Transform Your Workplace

Applied Empathy

The New Language of Leadership

Listening Suggestions

More than soundbites…these podcasts are in-depth conversations to support you in mastering your leadership effectiveness — at work and in life.  Click the images below to explore each archive of topics and interviews. 

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